Advanced search

The search engine works by maintaining an index of the words in the site's content.

The advanced search interface combines the selected search criteria using logical operators. It means that all selected criteria must be met in order to match a document.

The advanced search interface provides the powerful feature to restrict your query to specific document collections only.

The advanced search interface also provides the option to search for content, users and other things, in a given language version. Please note, however, that not all documents are available in all language versions. If you are unsure in which language a requested document is available, it may be better to search for the document in all language versions.

Search for content and users:
| English | Español | Français | Română |

Search copyright information by selecting the database below, which contains records of registrations and ownership documents. Please note it takes some time for recent registrations to appear in the database.

Search Copyright Records: Registrations and Documents