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WIPO Domain Name Decision D2024-4771 for ibm-biz.com
WIPO Domain Name Decision for ibm-biz.com
Categories: WIPO News
WIPO Domain Name Decision D2024-4678 for 3dexperience.net
WIPO Domain Name Decision for 3dexperience.net
Categories: WIPO News
WIPO Domain Name Decision D2024-4932 for huchetdemorge.org
WIPO Domain Name Decision for huchetdemorge.org
Categories: WIPO News
Opening Event of the Capacity Building Program of the Intellectual Property Project for Young Migrant Entrepreneurs
Feb 6, 2025 (Geneva, Switzerland)
The project aims at including the IP component in all IOM’s efforts to create entrepreneurship skill among migrants in the LAC region. The capacity building phase is envisaged to start on the first week of February 2025. It will include a tailor-made training, an intensive learning experience (boot camp) aimed at empowering participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to use IP to scale their businesses effectively, and a mentoring process for selected participants.
Categories: WIPO News
WIPO Domain Name Decision DNL2024-0039 for proman.nl
WIPO Domain Name Decision for proman.nl
Categories: WIPO News
WIPO Domain Name Decision DBR2024-0043 for dellbrasil.com.br
WIPO Domain Name Decision for dellbrasil.com.br
Categories: WIPO News
WIPO Domain Name Decision DAU2024-0035 for artistschoice.com.au
WIPO Domain Name Decision for artistschoice.com.au
Categories: WIPO News
WIPO Domain Name Decision D2024-5255 for tetraopak.com
WIPO Domain Name Decision for tetraopak.com
Categories: WIPO News
WIPO Domain Name Decision D2024-5086 for espace-palatine.com
WIPO Domain Name Decision for espace-palatine.com
Categories: WIPO News
WIPO Domain Name Decision D2024-5071 for clinteastwoodstore.com
WIPO Domain Name Decision for clinteastwoodstore.com
Categories: WIPO News
WIPO Domain Name Decision D2024-5068 for thebuldakramen.com
WIPO Domain Name Decision for thebuldakramen.com
Categories: WIPO News
WIPO Domain Name Decision D2024-5061 for hachettepublishinghouse.com
WIPO Domain Name Decision for hachettepublishinghouse.com
Categories: WIPO News
WIPO Domain Name Decision D2024-5033 for cushmanwakefieldsolutions.com
WIPO Domain Name Decision for cushmanwakefieldsolutions.com
Categories: WIPO News
WIPO Domain Name Decision D2024-5015 for dansko-shoes-women.com
WIPO Domain Name Decision for dansko-shoes-women.com
Categories: WIPO News
WIPO Domain Name Decision D2024-5007 for knorr-bremse.group
WIPO Domain Name Decision for knorr-bremse.group
Categories: WIPO News
WIPO Domain Name Decision D2024-4989 for lplfinancialcorp.com
WIPO Domain Name Decision for lplfinancialcorp.com
Categories: WIPO News
WIPO Domain Name Decision D2024-4971 for alstom.fun
WIPO Domain Name Decision for alstom.fun
Categories: WIPO News
WIPO Domain Name Decision D2024-4960 for axainvests.com
WIPO Domain Name Decision for axainvests.com
Categories: WIPO News
WIPO Domain Name Decision D2024-4820 for onlyfansgratispormega.com
WIPO Domain Name Decision for onlyfansgratispormega.com
Categories: WIPO News
WIPO Domain Name Decision D2024-4785 for electrolux-service-center.com, electrolux-servicecenter.com
WIPO Domain Name Decision for electrolux-service-center.com, electrolux-servicecenter.com
Categories: WIPO News